The onions have been dug and taken care of a few weeks ago. I thought you might like to see part of our crop since you saw them get planted in the spring.

They were ready to harvest when the tops began to fade and fall over. We knocked over the ones that were still upright and waited a few days before digging.
After digging and washing, we closed the sun shade and dried them on the floor of the empty greenhouse. We were looking for a shady, airy place for the onions to cure.
The red onions are “Mars”, a good ‘burger or salad onion. They are mild and have great color, white with red rings. They are not for long term storage.
The onions in the foreground are “Copra”, a very good onion for long term storage. As a matter of fact I still have some in the cooler from last year and they are still good!
Copra onions are strong flavored when eaten raw. They are a marvelous cooking onion, however, making wonderful grilled onions or French Onion soup.
Speaking of which, I haven’t had dinner yet!