The Yellow Farmhouse Garden

June 15, 2012

Drying Some Early Harvested Cilantro

Filed under: Herbs — bob @ 3:45 pm

It has been pretty dry in the garden for the past several days. The plants have begun to show a little drought stess but I’ve been able to keep up with watering.

I took advantage of the dry weather by drying some cilantro. I had some that was started early and needed to be harvested.

There was way too much to use fresh so, on Monday,  I gathered them up in a bunch and set them outside on a wire-top table. The bunch stayed there day and night. Today, Friday, the cilantro was dry and ready to go.

The leaves stay on the stems when drying in bunches like this.

I took  a clean trash bag and slipped it over the bunch.

A new garbage bag works great for collecting cilantro leaves.

By rubbing my hand over the stalks, I was able to easily separate the leaves from the stems. The dried leaves fell into the bag and in five minutes I was done.

Now I have more dried cilantro than I know what to do with.

I compared the price of dried cilantro for sale on Amazon with the amount I managed to gather. Wow! Talk about getting a feeling of satisfaction.


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