The Yellow Farmhouse Garden

April 30, 2007

What To Do For Great Tulips

Filed under: Flowers — bob @ 2:48 am

You may have heard the advice that tulips need to be re-planted every couple of years because they will eventually die out. That doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.

Tulips are “heavy feeders”, which means they require a lot of food to stay alive and flourish.

Give your Tulips a sprinkling of garden fertilizer just as they are opening and again just after they have stopped flowering. Then cut off the flower stems and allow the leaves to die back naturally. This will insure that the most energy possible will be stored in the bulb for flowering next spring.

Speaking of Tulips, remember that long flower bed I showed you a while back that had the Crocus coming up ? (“What’s up in the Garden”) Here’s how that same bed looked on Friday with a crop of Tulips blooming like crazy:


Just about any ol’ kind of garden fertilizer will do, just feed your tulips…they’re hungry!


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