The Yellow Farmhouse Garden

September 19, 2013

Tuberose blooming now

Filed under: Flowers — bob @ 8:36 am

The tuberoses have been blooming in the garden for a week or so.

When they first started blooming, I actually smelled them before I saw them, which is not surprising since tuberoses are one of the most fragrant flowers you can grow.  They produce so much fragrance that farmers plant fields of them that they sell to perfume makers. The sweet scent is most noticeable in the evening.

Tuberoses don’t tolerate cold temperatures so you have to wait until the soil warms up.  Because it took so long for the soil to get warm this season, I planted mine around the beginning of June.

They require very little care and don’t mind being neglected for a while.

The grassy-looking leaves on tuberoses are not particularly eye-catching so, you can’t count on the foliage to make a dramatic impact in the landscape. It’s all about the flowers and their aroma. They make excellent cut flowers too.

The individual flowers are about one and one-half inches across.

You can save tuberoses by digging the tubers up before frost. Keep them warm in storage –above 50 degrees F — and dry over winter.

By digging and saving your tuberoses each year, you can quickly build up a large number of tubers to use each year in your garden.


September 4, 2013

Corn smut — huitlacoche

Filed under: Disease,Vegetables — bob @ 12:50 pm

While picking my sweet corn this year, I’ve noticed a higher than normal amount of ears with corn smut growths.

Corn smut is a fungal disease that infects all types of corn but sweet corn is most susceptible to it. The fungus invades the corn tissue and causes the corn plant to form a gall-like growth. We usually see these growths on the ears of the corn but they can also occur on the tassel and other parts of the plant.

It’s just about impossible to eliminate corn smut. The fungus can live year after year in the garden soil and will reinfect a sweet corn crop each season. Plus the spores of the fungus is easily carried by the wind from infected plants.

There is no spray or seed treatment for this problem. The usual control suggestion is to cut out the infected plants and burn them before the smut has a chance to form spores.

This year however, I’ve decided not to fight corn smut but instead embrace it.

Corn smut tastes much like mushrooms.

South of the border — I mean Mexico, not Ohio — corn smut is a delicacy. Since smut is a fungus, it is used much like mushrooms which are fungi too. Some people call it Mexican truffle, in Mexico it’s called huitlacoche. Mexican farmers, instead of destroying the infected plants, harvest the growths and sell them at a premium price.

My huitlacoche is forming spores so, it is past its prime for eating.

My corn smut is past its prime — it’s filled with dried spores — so I didn’t have chance to try it yet. I have one more crop of sweet corn coming on and I’m looking forward to my huitlacoche harvest!


August 28, 2013

Harvest sweet corn at its peak

Filed under: Vegetables — bob @ 10:30 am

It’s all in the timing when it comes to harvesting sweet corn. Prime picking time can be as short as two or three days depending on daily temperatures.

Sweet corn is ready to pick about two to three weeks after the silks first emerge from the developing ears — mark the date on your calender.

After a couple of weeks check the condition of the silks. If they are still quite green you have plenty of time to wait, if they are starting to turn brown check them every few days or so.

When the silks have turned completely brown and have dried up, it means the corn kernels are approaching the “milk stage” — the best time to pick.

This sweet corn needs about another week before picking.

These is a test you can do to make sure your corn is at it’s peak flavor: Peel back the husk on an ear and use your thumbnail to squeeze a kernel until it pops. If the juice is looks milky, it is time to pick. This is the stage of development most people prefer for their sweet corn.

One week later, the sweet corn is ready to go.

Watery-looking juice means the ear needs a couple more days to mature. Immature sweet corn while having a tender texture, doesn’t have much flavor.

Over-ripe sweet corn kernels are doughy when you give them the squeeze test. The kernels are chewy and have a less-sweet, starchier flavor. I know of some older people who prefer their sweet corn at this more mature stage, but they are in a small minority.

I planted my sweet corn this spring on three separate dates about ten days apart.  Doing that will spread my harvest over a longer period of time.  I won’t have to frantically pick and freeze my crop all at once.


Cool temperatures slowing down my heirloom tomatoes

Filed under: Vegetables — bob @ 9:28 am

This cool growing season has got me worried about my tomatoes. These are not ordinary tomatoes, they are my own strain that I have been propagating for seven years.

Back in the spring, I started the seeds a little later than I should have but wasn’t concerned. In a normal growing season they would have had plenty of time to mature and produce the seeds I need to continue my strain. This year, it looks like it will be nip and tuck for these tomatoes — no tomatoes , no seeds. Unfortunately, these are the last of my seeds, I have no more in storage so I really need them to produce.

My plan now is to build small plastic tents this week to help raise the temperature during the day and keep them warm overnight. Hopefully, that will push them along enough to produce tomatoes and allow me to continue my variety. A few warm weeks will help too.

These tomatoes will make explosive growth if we get a period of warm weather.

If not, I have a plan B. I’m growing a few in pots that I can move indoors in the fall and get seeds that way. With any luck, in a few more decades, my grandchildren should have their very own heirloom variety.


August 7, 2013

A rainy growing season

Filed under: Vegetables,Weather — bob @ 7:54 am

It sure looked like it was going to be a banner year for my potatoes. I planted three rows, sixty feet long, in the deepest darkest garden soil I have.

The cool temperatures and regular rain at the beginning of the season pushed them along — I never had such a beautiful looking potato patch. I was already worrying about what to do with my bumper crop.

I mounded up my potatoes early on so that the rows sat about six inches above the garden bed. This was going to give them plenty of space to produce lots of spuds.

Then the rains kept coming and the potato patch started getting pretty wet. The soil was so wet that I couldn’t walk in that area without rubber boots.

The roots rotted away because of too much water. The plants still attempted to produce potatoes by growing potato-like tubers on the stems.

The last straw came when a storm dumped over four inches of rain all at once. The potatoes were standing in water for days — the raised rows looked like islands in a pond.

Now, what once looked like a surplus of  potatoes, is now a crop failure. I’ve gardened in that spot for many years and never had a water problem like that in July.

You never know what a new garden season will bring. Next year it may be a plague of insects. Or, maybe it will be a bumper crop — that’s what keeps it interesting.


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