The Yellow Farmhouse Garden

August 18, 2011

Bee Balm

Filed under: Bees,Flowers — bob @ 12:44 pm

While walking past a clump of Monarda the other day, I noticed the plants were humming with insects.  Even though the flowers were past peak blooming, all sorts of bees were buzzing around.

About half the blooms are left on this stand of Monarda and there are still plenty of bees visiting it.

I took a minute or so to look at the insects and counted at least a half dozen different species of the bee family. There were honeybees, paper wasps and some kind of bumblebee; those were easy to spot. Looking closer I could see other species of smaller bees that I was not able to identify.  It’s no wonder Monarda is called Bee Balm.  Butterflies and hummingbirds like Monarda too.

Bee Balm is a native plant that has found a place in the garden.  Normally, in the wild, it grows in damp areas.  In the garden, it grows fine in a flowerbed; you just need to give it a little extra water during dry spells. If you have a wet area that gives you problems, Monarda is a good solution.

Even though Monarda is a perennial, it is best to wait until spring before dividing and moving a clump to your garden. Fall planted Monarda will often winterkill.  I have grown it from seed; it is fairly easy to start and is a cheap way to get a lot of plants.

It grows to a height of three or four feet, has red, pink or purple flowers depending on the variety, and takes care of itself once it is established.

Monarda is also used as an herb.  In the herb garden, it is known by its other two names Bergamot and Oswego Tea.

Planting Monarda is an easy way to add color to your garden while helping our local honeybees and other pollinators.

July 29, 2011

Koganemushi in the Garden

Filed under: Insects — bob @ 12:42 pm

The first Japanese beetle of the season showed up in the garden several days ago.  The beetle actually landed on my arm. That was a big mistake on his part because I immediately tossed him to the chickens.

Those first beetles are forward scouts. Once they arrive, they release a pheromone that attracts other beetles. Before you know it, you have a real problem on your hands.

Sayaka Terada, a garden volunteer at Matthaei Botanical Gardens, told me that in Japan they are called koganemushi, or, in English, “gold bug.” Japanese farmers consider them somewhat of a nuisance because they do some damage on crops such as grapes and soybeans.

They are very beautiful insects if you look at them closely and ignore their destructive habits.

The beetles are emerging from the soil where they spend much of their lives as grubs.

Picking off the beetles and killing them whenever you find them is an adequate way of keeping their numbers down – if you are persistent.

Japanese beetles, like many other insects, have certain types of plants they prefer over others.  One of their favorites is evening primrose, a type of weed commonly found in and around gardens.  A good strategy is to let the beetles start feeding on the evening primrose; a large number of them will often congregate onto one plant.  You can then kill the beetles without having to spray your garden directly.

Two Japanese Beetles  feeding on Evening Primrose. The green lighting effect is from the early morning sunlight.

Over the counter chemical sprays work well in controlling them but chemicals also kill beneficial insects.

There is promising research at Michigan State University that involves introducing naturally occurring microorganisms into the environment to infect the grubs and reduce their population.  This new method will be different from the milky-spore treatment that is currently available.


July 15, 2011

Cabbage Worms

Filed under: Insects — bob @ 12:40 pm

Anyone who has ever planted a garden knows that it is almost impossible to grow cabbage without cabbageworms.

Here in my garden I have yet to see a cabbageworm in the cabbage patch.  The Imported Cabbage Worm is the easiest to identify.  Those little white butterflies you see fluttering around in the garden are the adult stage of the imported Cabbage Worm. If you look closely, you can spot the eggs they lay.  Every time a butterfly lands on a cabbage leaf it lays a single tiny white egg.

Cabbage Looper Butterfly on Kale.

The other cabbageworm that causes us trouble is the Cabbage Looper.  This worm moves across the plant by arching its body and moving its rear legs forward to the front of its body.  Then it stretches out to move its front legs forward, much like an inchworm.  You will not see the adult moth of the looper because it flies at night.

My cabbage patch is right next to the chicken run; just a wire fence separates the garden from thirty-five hens.  I think they may be intercepting the butterflies before they have a chance to reach my cabbage, although today the butterflies are out in full force.

Both species of cabbageworms chew large holes in the leaves and heads and leave behind large amounts of frass (droppings).  The control for them is the same too.

A biological insecticide Bt — sold under the trade name of Thuricide, Dipel and others, is a very effective and safe way to kill cabbageworms without harming beneficial insects.  Chemical insecticides easily and rapidly kill the worms but also kill any beneficial insects that happen to be in the garden.

You can try making a homemade cabbageworm killer by mixing two to three parts white baking flour with one part table salt.  Dust the cabbage plants with the mixture.

The smaller the cabbageworms, the easier they are to kill – no matter what insecticide you use. So, treat your cabbage plants early before the cabbageworms get a chance to grow.


July 8, 2011

Some Organic Pesticides Used in the Garden

Filed under: Pesticides — bob @ 12:40 pm

Someone asked me the other day, “do you spray your garden?” and “what sprays do you use?”  I gave her a short list of materials that I found useful in my garden.  Most people agree that these materials are OK for organic gardeners.

I have been a fan of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) since I started gardening in the 1970’s.  It is an insecticide made of naturally occurring bacteria found in garden soil.  Only surface feeding caterpillars like cabbageworms are killed by it.  Bt must be eaten by the caterpillars in order to work.   It does not harm beneficial insects.

Spinosad is another insecticide derived from soil bacteria.  The bacterium was discovered in the soil at an abandoned rum distillery, so the story goes.  This insecticide kills a wide range of insects.  It too must be eaten in order to be effective.  This reduces the likelihood that the Spinosad would kill a beneficial insect.

Pyola is a mixture of canola oil and pyrethrins.  This effective insecticide has the potential to kill any insect good or bad so be on the lookout for honeybees or other helpful insects before you spray.

For disease control, I use a liquid copper fungicide.  The other material I’ve used with mixed results is potassium bicarbonate.  Potassium bicarbonate is chemically similar to sodium bicarbonate or baking soda.

You can make your own homemade garden fungicide by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda and one tablespoon of liquid dish soap together in one gallon of water.  Just make sure your plants have had plenty of water to drink before you spray this mixture.


June 23, 2011

Catalpa Trees in Bloom

Filed under: Trees — bob @ 12:37 pm

Those trees covered with white flowers we have been seeing are Catalpa trees.  To me, a well-formed, fully grown Catalpa is an impressive sight.

A mature Catalpa tree blooming in rural Monroe County.

Catalpas have other positive attributes other than their flowers.  They grow fast compared to many other trees and can reach a height of 50 feet.   Catalpas tolerate the stressful growing conditions of a city environment, which is why so many were planted in urban areas.

In years past, farmers planted Catalpas to use for fence posts because the wood is resistant to rotting when in contact with the soil.  Nowadays, like everyone else, farmers buy their fence posts.

After flowering, long, slim cigar-shaped seedpods will form where the flowers once were giving the tree its nickname “Cigar Tree”.  These pods hang on all winter.

Not everyone likes Catalpa trees.  The branches are brittle and can break off during storms.   Some people feel its shape and large leaves give it a coarse, unrefined look.  I have to agree that a Catalpa struggling to survive in a difficult spot can look pretty ragged.   In addition, the flowers and seedpods make a mess in the yard after they fall off

Catalpa worms, the caterpillar stage of a sphinx moth, are sometimes found eating catalpa leaves.   Anglers use these worms for fish bait; fish love catalpa worms.

I remember when I was a youngster some Umbrella trees in my Grandmother’s garden.  There was a row of them, about eight feet high with a tuft of leaves growing out of the top.  Those trees were catalpas grafted with a bud from a dwarf form of the tree.   Every spring she would cut back the last season’s growth forcing the tree to form a new umbrella.   It made quite an impression on me.  The Umbrella tree form is still available at nurseries.

Catalpas are such a versatile tree, no wonder they have been so popular for so long.


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